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Do you know who to call in case of a medical emergency in Costa Rica?

Emergency Assistance Service


¡Don´t worry anymore! Enjoy Costa Rica with our emergency assistance service

¡We solve any medical emergency in Costa Rica with just one call!

Call us from anywhere you are, at any time and our agents will arrange your emergency assistance in the less time possible.

¿Que es SOS?

How does it work?

Our membreship guaranties that throughtout your stay in Costa Rica, with just one phonecall, SOS CR will arrange your emergency assistance in the less time possible.

¿Cómo funciona?

All our operation is based on arranging your emergency assistance in the fastest and safest way.

  • Our services are 24/7 during all your memebership period.

  • Real-time renewal during your emergency.

  • English & Spanish customer service.

  • We'll arrange your emergency assistance anywhere in Costa Rica.

  • We'll assist your emergency in the less time possible.

  • Membership purchase on line

Specialized service guaranteed throughout the country.

  • Our service is supported by providers specialized in land, air and maritime pre-hospital care services within Costa Rica.

  • Our entire medical support team is highly trained for the care, stabilization and transport of critical patients.

  • Our medical support team is made up of: Paramedics (Emergency Medical Technicians) and Doctors. All with experience and capable of high resolution of cases on site.

  • If necessary, we will arrange your emergency assistance with a specialist.


¡Coming soon!

New mobile app

• In real time our medical support team will have acess to your location.

​• Our operators will have your updated information and your travel itinerary.

• Our app will give you access to the exact location in distance and time of the medical support service that will assist your emergency.


¡Get your plan today!




Soy un párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y edítame. Es muy sencillo.

Business Membership

Soy un párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y edítame. Es muy sencillo.

Wholesaler & Corporate

Ideal for: Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Hotels, Rent a Car.

With a single call, your passengers and executives can now enjoy Costa Rica with our guaranteed emergency assistance service, we will be there to serve them at any time and place in the country.


¡Enjoy Costa Rica in peace, we will take care of you!


For Limited Time 23% discount in our plan

ENJOY COSTA RICA  ¡14 days plan!

This exclusive offer is for a limited time.

Haven’t you signed up yet?
Do you want more information about our benefits?

Register in our database and ask us everything you want to know about our service. In addition, with your registration in our community, you will receive monthly detailed information about our service, exclusive tourist promotions and special discounts for new members.

¡Thank you for your message!

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Adress / Dirección: San José, Costa Rica.

Phone / Teléfono: +506 4000 0767 / Email:


© 2022 by MT&Co for SOS Costa Rica - All rights reserved copyright

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